Archive for the ‘Stay Fit’ Category

Health Facts and Remedies To Take Care Of Bleeding Gums

Bleeding from gums often results in infection, injury or inflammation of the gums which is a serious Health issue. Bleeding starts when the plaque is removed in adequate amount from the teeth gum line. Continuous gum bleeding might result in serious infection such as leukemia and bleeding and platelet disorders and it is caused by bacteria. […]

Causes, Symptoms and Prevention of Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease which is caused due to high blood sugar content or deficiency of insulin and being Healthy is very important. This high blood sugar content produces symptom of polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia. 3 MAIN TYPES OF DIABETES: Type 1 diabetes: It is caused due to deficiency of insulin and requires insulin to […]

Health Facts of Drinking Water on Empty Stomach Which Cures All Diseases

We all know that water is very essential for human beings to live but who would have though that it could have unlimited Health facts. Yes I am sure most of you are unaware about the benefits of drinking water on empty stomach. This routine of drinking water on empty stomach is very popular in […]

How To Prevent Old Age And Maintain Youthfulness

Problems Of Ageing: Death is certain. But everybody would like to maintain good Health till the last breath. The current of life is discharged from the body from the right arm. The control point of this current is wrist and the elbow. By giving two minutes treatment intermittent pressure on this point, the excess discharge of […]

Top Health Tips and Healthy Food to Stay Fit

Eggplants are very low in calories and fats but rich in soluble fiber content. Hundred grams just provide 24 calories but contributes about nine percent of RDA of fiber. Seafood is the best natural source of 0mega – 3 fatty acids. Studies based on information indicate that regularly eating small amounts of omega- 3 fatty […]

How To Get Healthy Skin and Avoid Ageing Effects

Health is based on proper diet and life style and this rule is also applicable to Skin Care. Therefore it can be said that prevention of Skin Disease depends on Healthy Diet and lifestyle. Ayurveda describes various “ Hita Ahara and Vihara” beneficial diet and lifestyle for maintenance of Healthy skin.  It is described as In grains […]

Best Health Tips and Health Facts on Living a Long Healthy Life

Every one wishes to have long Healthy Life. Scientists are searching for the ways to have long lasting youth and disease free old age. Sages were able to live Healthy Life with normal abilities by use of herb and yoga. Here are some scientifically proven ways that can add years to your life and can […]