How To Read and Access PDF’s Using Google Chrome in Windows 7

Users prefers to read any type of documents or articles through PDF’s these days, but for reading them you need Software installed which can make you read those PDF’s easily. But still you think can you Run the PDF’s without having those Software, and if to answer its easily reachable. You would think of analysing without the Software how would be able to access those documents and read them on the system, Google Chrome helps you to read them easily within your system, but first you need to install this Software on the system.

The procedure you need to enact to make your system read the PDF’s even through Google Chrome, if you are not having Acrobat Reader installed within your systems, which are as follows:

Steps To Read and Access PDFs Using Google Chrome

1. First of all you need to click Windows Home button.

2. The very next you must click Run, if you are in a hurry you can even make the Run dialog box appear through the use of short-cut which is Windows Home key+R.

3. Then within the dialog box, enter the work association, and this will take you the set associate file.

4. If the Run dialog box doesn’t take you due to system error, then do the respective as follows:

  • Click Start Button, from here go to Control Panel.
  • In the Control Panel, go to Program and Program features.
  • In this go to Default all Programs list.
  • There will be an operation written as Set Associative Files And Manage.

5. After respectively selecting the Set Associative Files, you will get into a managing box like with all the extensions filled up in, now there will be extension with (.) symbol before and from a to z.

6. Then make the selection of the PDF’s one extension given as .PDF or .PDFx and for certain others, choose anyone of them.

7. Double Click over the extension, the default Programs opens through which those extension files will be supported and run within your system, so select Google Chrome if it appears and make it default access to it.

8. If you don’t find on the first very appearance Google Chrome then from your main drive get the file, and link it outside and then make it primarily default action towards the extensive extension file and Run successively.

These steps if followed above can make you execute and read all PDF’s in ease, and enable you to open in any Windows interface.


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