To promote a product or to promote any Website is a crucial start for any of the entrepreneurs. They tend to make mistakes and eventually fail to get some name and fame. So in this post I will discuss about the 5 Social Media Mistakes Your Startup Must Avoid.
Mistake no. 1
Starting Without a Plan
You must always have a plan that specifies your ultimate goal for your business or for Website promotion. Your initial step is to create a strategic plan for your Social Media operation is to answer the followings.
I. Do you have an idea of who your target audience is?
II. How do you plan to interact with them?
III. How will you measure your success?
IV. Do you have any idea about your Social Media business objectives?
Just answer these questions among with your team members.
Mistake no. 2
Poorly Timing Social Media Posts
This mistake is very common and should be considered as a serious issue to gain more popularity of your business of Website promotion. A marketing analysis report says that nearly 50% of the U.S. population lives in the eastern zone who use Social Media. And more than 30% are in the central time zone. The report suggests that any tweets posted at 5 pm have the highest chance of getting clicked and shared among the different users.
Mistake no. 3
Breaking Social Media Rules of Etiquette
Have a simple basic knowledge of the Social Media campaign. Just follow the list what I usually follow.
- You can start conversation by asking your audience thought provoking questions.
- Don’t just follow persons and unfollow them when they start following you on Twitter. You must only follow a person who is of your niche.
- You must promote other people as well as your own brand as you may have heard the proverb “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours”.
- And finally don’t spread yourself too thin in Social Media.
Mistake no. 4
Failing To Measure Social Media Success
It is not easy to measure your Social Media success so the following tools will help you out in these tasks.
- PageLever is a paid tool that enables you to see your impressions for any date range on Facebook.
- Simply Measured is also a paid tool that is capable of collecting Social Media data such as posts or tweets distribution per country into a Microsoft Excel Sheet report.
- SocialMention is not paid tool but it’s a free Search Engine that allows you to have alerts sent to you daily containing mentions made online of you and your respective brands.
Mistake no. 5
Ignoring Your Competitors
You must keep track of your competitors too because it’s just as important as knowing everything about your own business. The best way doing this is keep an eye on their Social Media Fan Pages and keep track of their Websites and sign up for their newsletter for keeping all sort of record what they are up to.
So if you plan your edge cutting strategies and avoid the above 5 mistakes then there is no stopping for you in life ever again from getting the name and fame in any field like for business or for Website promotion.