How To Backup And Download All Data And Details From Facebook

Facebook is the ultimate social networking website that even small kids use these days. But backing up all the data and other necessary things also plays an important role.

If you thought of making certain entries in Facebook to be contained in your folders in your drive, then you ought to make backup.

Have you thought of how to make the data entries at the starting to be backed up, if not then here are process which can make you do it. You can backup the data’s in a precise manner, but you need to patient at the same time as it takes a lot of time.

The processes of how to make backup in Facebook about all the details you have entered are as follows:

  • Firstly login into your Facebook account.
  • Just go to Account->Account Settings->General->Download a copy of your Facebook data.
  • After the link being clicked, then next it reaches to an archive manner, a dialog box will open up.
  • As soon as the dialog box opens up, it describes the way of getting into archive, click on ok button present in it.
  • As soon the ok clicked, your work is done.
  • It will say that you will receive a mail in your inbox to which you have signed up for Facebook and backup has started.
  • It will take an hours time to finish as such, and if you don’t get the mail, just check whether the backup on process by again going to Settings and to download link there.
  • When you receive the mail, just click on the download link it gives.
  • Download it and hence your backup is received.
  • The backup consists of all the necessary things such as
  • Any photos or videos you’ve shared on Facebook
  • Your Wall posts, messages and chat conversations
  • Your friends’ names and some of their email addresses


  1. Leora Wenger says:

    This might be useful for one of my clients who posts quite a bit of information on a particular FB business page. I hope it works for business pages? I guess I will find out when I try it out.
    Leora Wenger recently posted..Show Off Your WebsiteMy Profile

  2. john carter says:

    downloading all the data does make feel you secured in case if someone breaks in your account. so i think it is a very good info provided.
    john carter recently posted..Honda Car Warns You If Your Driving Style Is Likely to Cause Traffic JamsMy Profile

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