Tips on How To Protect Your Computer From Viruses And Spyware

In this world of digitalization everyday many viruses, spyware and malware infectious data come to net in many ways. This infectious data enter your system first slow down your system, then slowly corrupt your data, then shut down Windows. Many people use their system without Anti Virus. This makes unsafe to their important data. Here are on How To Protect Your Computer From Viruses And Spyware.

Keep Your Antivirus Software Up To Date

 Every day when you switch on your system connect your Anti virus with online where you can get updated. By updating every day all virus definitions will be downloaded to your system and this will protect your system from any new kind of malicious data. If your Software is paid version which will last for one year, after which it won’t download new data. You need to buy another subscriptions to get updated to your with latest version.

Make Sure You Have Anti Spyware

Having Anti Virus is not enough to protect your system since some data like bank account number, credit card number will get expose to hackers. To protect this data from hackers your system must have Anti Spyware Software. Anti Spyware doesn’t allow this data to expose to Internet easily, so keep one Anti Spyware Software which protects your important data to get expose to internet.

Set Up Full System Scans

Full system scan is necessary when you’re installing Software after long time. This will scan your system and identify previous data and build a protection shell to all data in your system. You can schedule your system on schedule scan data the system will scan weekly process. Schedule scan take longer period to scan data so turn on system at night so that it doesn’t interrupt every day scheduled work.

Install A Software Firewall

By installing Firewall Software in your PC is also another way of keeping your system safe. But some OS comes with firewall option but they are not protective at all. You need to buy Firewall Software to keep your data safe. There are some Firewalls which are most effective that don’t allow hackers form accessing your system without your permission. This means any malicious program can be put down before it enters your system.


  1. Ahsan says:

    I don’t use Firewall as it makes net speed slow. But I use avast anti virus & update regularly. Thanks for valuable tips
    Ahsan recently posted..Submit Your Site To Top 20 Search Engines By AddmeMy Profile

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  1. How To Back Up Your Data In Case Your System Is Under Virus Attack | Techie Bros

    […] = 336; google_ad_height = 280; Now a day’s attack of virus is common on all PC, even PC with Anti Virus also get Attacked by virus. To avoid virus attack in your system keep updating your Anti Virus.  […]

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