How To Open Restricted Websites In Your Institute By Means Of Proxy

There are many institutions were the authorities are keen to block certain websites, WebPages and other links, so as to not make them watch wrong things and get particular information’s, but still the users try to move to different directions, they need some enjoyments and hence they think of approaching certain sites where they can fulfil their joy and all, but the sites are blocked and there the page arrives as a red mark with either saying proceed anyway or not accessible, which means that the institution has blocked sites which you had recommended and tried to move with only certain recommended links and useful only ones.

The authorities of college try to block certain websites by making certain security options within the tools and settings. When the secured options are made, they will make you to access only those websites which they desire to, just will make you popped up with a few and rest being showing a page as a default, created by the authorities. Now students get up quite silent when they see that sites have been blocked and they are restricted to move into the page they request to, so there are certain conditions which you can make to get into the very requested page of yours.

The conditions which can make you enable to visit that very page you had requested for, then you can move with the following steps given below and they are as follows:

  • When you ought to open up a page, just first try by using https instead of http.
  • If you are still not preceded by the secured http, then the random processes are of going with proxy sites.
  • There are various proxy sites such as SilentSurf, YouHide and other random proxy sites.
  • Once you write the above proxy names and hit on the enter button, you will be into their pages.
  • As there will be some details regarding the site, you will see a box, it will make you enter the very site you want to request but were unable on the first chance.
  • Just write the link you desired for on the box, the site or the verified location address in which you want to go, and then click ok.
  • In some proxy sites there will a button called as proxify, you enter the button then also, and it will lead to the requested page by user.

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