How To Access Your Entire Computer From an iPad

Today Technology is booming so high that you come across new idea and new product with good features. When we look into personal computer Gadgets its Technology is booming at average, since many people are looking towards iPads and Smartphones only. Keeping in mind those Gadgets, here comes How To Access Your Entire Computer From an iPad.

Going forward, here iPad has brought an Application which can manage your whole PC like remote control from your iPad itself. When we see your computer consists of lots of stuff like HD video, many songs and lots of personal file with great stuff.

See Also: Top 5 Best Women Safety Smartphone Applications

control pc from ipad

Audio and Video

To see audio and video here are two best domains Air Video and StramToMe are good streaming site with better audios and videos. Here sharing cost is $3, has better compatibility and library for iPhone users. If you have iPad you don’t need keep streaming video you can connect to PC and store in it.

If you have windows PC you need not to stream your video, just store video in your hard disk. Air Video is wonderful Application which allows you to see video formats which are not supporting iPad. It is totally flexible controller which is connected by simple port and let you stream and store video.

If you have Mac PC no need to worry at all. Just download StreamToMe, this application once installed in your PC it will stream your videos and audios. Great advantage of this App is that you can stream your audio files of any format. These are two best audio and video Apps to control you PC through iPad.


After looking for audios and videos, now its tile for document files. Documents files are not so easy to connect with PC and iPad it needs Application called GoodReader which cost $1. This Application has best features which enables your PC to acts as server and lets you see documents easily.

Controlling Your Desktop

Now here we will see how to Control your Desktop with iPad. Here old trick called VNC virtual networking computing which allows to connect your iPad and PC. Application called Mocha VNC Lite which easily allows you to access files, video and audio in any of Mac or Windows PC which is totally compactable and cost around $12.


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